Bass Guitarist

Bass Guitarist

Bass is more than simply a guitar with two less strings. It has an alternate tone, scale length, feel and musical part, and much of the time it obliges an alternate calculated and specialized methodology.

Guitarists who are new to playing bass will regularly twofold the guitar section one octave lower. There is unquestionably a spot for lockstep octave multiplying simply listen to Aerosmith’s “Sweet Emotion,” Led Zeppelin’s “The Ocean” and Pantera’s “I’m Broken.”

At the same time there is such a great deal more that is possible with the bass.

As a bassist who later took up guitar, I have created 20 general rules that I live by when I play the bass. Apply them to the instrument, and hear your playing enhance as they help you to think and play like a genuine bass guitarist.


As a rule, strong bass playing obliges that you practice limitation and nuance instead of showcase your strategy and smooth moves. Much of the time, its best to work for the most part with the root notes of the harmonies and secure with the drummer’s kick and catch drums.

2. Figure out how TO WALK

“Strolling bass” started in jazz and soul, however it has following been embraced in different styles. The term alludes to a method for playing in which the bass line stays in unending movement rather than staying on or repeating one note. The line “strolls” from one harmony’s root note up or down to the following, generally in a quarter-note musicality, with the periodic adornment.

To attain this, you utilize “move notes” to easily put two and two together and cross over any barrier between distinctive root notes as the harmonies change. The move notes can be any blend of harmony tones (arpeggios), scale tones that identify with the harmonies, or chromatic passing tones.

All in all, harmony tones are the musically most secure wager, as they sound agreeably consonant, while scale tones include a touch of light cacophony when heard against an underlying harmony. The more chromatic notes that are utilized, the more cacophonous the line gets to be, as these notes directly go against the predominating harmony. Whether this is a good thing or not is dependent upon your circumspection and impulses.

Bass Guitarist

Drummers, Guitarists, Bass Guitarists